Parents of Adolescents Group Starting September 18th.Click here for more information.
Discovering ADHD as an Adult Group starting October 2nd.Click here for more information.

Parenting Therapy NYC

OCD and Related Disorders

Parenting Therapy NYC

Counting. Checking. Returning. Rituals that have to be completed. Cleaning over and over. Skin Picking. Hair-Pulling. Hoarding.

OCD, or obsessive compulsive disorder, is marked by the compulsion to repeat actions to prevent a negative outcome and obsessive thoughts about behavior and the world. Other Related Disorders include, but are not limited to, hoarding, skin-picking, and hair-pulling.

Our treatment will involve looking closely at your behaviors and your thinking and will use evidence-based techniques, mostly CBT techniques, to work on the symptoms of OCD and other related disorder, identify the triggers, and take control over who you are in a chaotic world you cannot always control.

Make a Positive Change Today

Ready to take the next step? Schedule a free 15-minute consultation.